Overall Approach
Overall Approach and main modules
Budget Period 1: Module Independent Development and Validation
Task 1: Model integrated T&D system with control (device level) and communication layer and incorporating DER.
Task 2: Design and develop algorithms for forming DER clusters.
Task 3: Build a centralized version of distribution optimal power flow-DOPF.
Task 4: Develop dynamic control architecture, controller design adaptation, and lead controller selection.
Task 5: Evaluate conventional protection schemes in the presence of renewable and propose/evaluate a suitable method.
Task 6: Creating a communication network model that provides robust communication structures for enabling the communications in the distributed PV systems enabled the smart grid and integrating the model with Task 1.
Task 7: Transmission and Distribution network model development and validation using OPAL-RT simulator.
Budget Period 2 : Module Integration, Scalability and Validation
Task 8: Identify and model physical vulnerabilities based on the power grid model.
Task 9: Develop area controller for dynamically selected clusters and evaluating the architecture.
Task 10: Large-scale distribution optimal power flow (DOPF) and integration with other modules.
Task 11: Development of risk/health-based resiliency modeling/monitoring framework.
Task 12: Integrate (with Task 9, Task 13 and Task 14) the protection methodology with the controller.
Task 13: Design threat detection model and latency sensitive communication considering vulnerability assessments from Task 8 and risk threats from Task 11.
Task 14: T & D network large-scale model development/conversion, validation and interfacing of communication and other modules with OPAL-RT simulator.
Budget Period 3: Total Delivery and Demonstration of DER Management Framework:
Task 15: Develop a situational awareness module (Integrate with Tasks 2, 3, 5).
Task 16: Integration and scalability testing of clustering/area control including network reconfiguration/protection.
Task 17: Inclusion of integer and distributed version of Distributed Optimal Power Flow (DOPF)) for large network and integration with other modules.
Task 18: Application of hybrid anomaly detection mechanisms and their integration with risk-informed adaptation.
Task 19: Validation of protection design using scenarios (Assist Task 16, 21) and harmonizing the scheme with transmission system protection.
Task 20: Integrate the grid-aware communication network topology to protection and reconfiguration framework.
Task 21: Incorporate all the final modules and integrate/validate the network reconfiguration/control/optimization with real-time/HIL testing.
Task 22: Validation and verification of final tool with respect to field and test case data.